martes, 21 de enero de 2014


Today I want to share with you, this lovely history around the world! 

On 2011/2012 after their third wedding , Gosi from Poland and Adri from Spain they started to travel around the world with a backpack on their back during 8 months!

So they opened a blog to share with us all little moments around the world called 

First stop was in  London  where they had a friend and where they spent only 2 days before to start their new adventures around the world. 20€ total expenditure.

Second stop was  21 days in  India, one of the most beautiful places of the world. Here they did a charity project to help childrens.  730€ total expenditure.

Third stop was  17 days in China , where they visit the main important cities, Beijing and Shanghai. They used couch surfing, so 0 € to sleep. 540€ total expenditure. 

Fourth stop was  11days in Malaysia where they visited Kuala Lumpur and Penang. They used couchsurfing. 260€ total expenditure.

Fifth stop was 42 days in  Thailand  with Buddhist. 1450€ Total expenditure.

Sixth stop was  18 days in Cambodia  528€ Total expenditure. 

Seventh stop was  17days in Vietnam  290€ Total expenditure.

Eighth stop was 4 days in  Laos  90€ Total expemditure.

Ninth stop was  21days  in Australia  spending 840 € . They did auto stop  and couch surfing.
14 days in  New zeland 1207 € . They had the opportunity to cross the island with a motorhome!!!-

Finally  35 days in United states  using couch surfing. 1500€ Total expenditure.

Follow them and their new adventures on instagram @molaviajar 

Couchsurfing is to sleep on the sofa, matress or on the floor of someone around the world for 0 €, sharing new experience with native people of each city and country! 

Thank you so much for all information that you share on your blog for all people that one day we will travel the world! 

Happy wednesday!! 

2 comentarios:

  1. Nos ha encantado!! que bueno nunca nos habian puesto en un psot asi con gastos y todo, me aprece super interesante!!! Gracias

  2. No sabes cuanto me alegro ! Toda esta informacion es de gran ayuda para los que tenemos un proyecto de vuelta al mundo! Gracias a vosotros!
